Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Crazy Year, Lost People, Crashed Car

It has been a crazy year for me, a lot have gone on. With me getting into the He Said She Said groupie thing, and meeting really cool people. I have tons of fun with those people from HSSS shows I do have to say that. I have lost a lot of close friends that well lets say "say they are my friends" but I have realized you see who your real friends are as you get older. It was pretty sad lost a 5 year friendship over something verry stupid and childish. Im grown im 23 im not in high school anymore. Now besides from the fact I lost really close friends I have gained a reallly cool one that has made up for that fact. I quit smoking im on 5 months now straight sober. I LOVE IT! I worked for sprint then clear now jobless it sucks but when you laid off that is the sucky part. During all of this I bought a car an Accord and then on the way to my friends house I crashed it. I crashed it into a tree now WHO DOES THAT, YEP THIS GUY DOES BWAHAHA. Then a week later I got my baby Le Baron. Now enough about what has happened. I have a lot that to look forward to I am going to Columbia for filming Im now working on that. I have some big things for my Youtube that im working on like side thing. So I am very excited about that, now people add me to these sites.

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